Catch That Bus is a bus times app for Android.Find out when your next bus is due at 370,000 bus stops in England (including London), Scotland & Wales.
View the bus stops at your current location or search by area, street name or postcode. Save favourites for future quick access and add home screen shortcuts for super quick access.
The app shows minutes until the bus is expected where real time information is available, otherwise it displays the scheduled bus time.
Bus times are provided for almost every bus company and bus stop in the country. If you have any questions before or after purchasing, please email me using the "Send email to developer" link below or email
[email protected].
Powered by Traveline NextBuses & Transport For London.
Explanation of Permissions:
Location is to locate your nearest bus stops.
Internet is to download the latest departure information.
Storage allows the app to backup your favourite bus stops to the SD Card.